Dermahealer psoriasis vitiligo eczema lamp
Dermahealer psoriasis vitiligo eczema lamp set
Dermahealer psoriasis vitiligo eczema lamp
DERMAHEALER(ダーマヒーラー)ハンドヘルド UVB 療法用ランプ
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DERMAHEALER(ダーマヒーラー)ハンドヘルド UVB 療法用ランプ


税込|送料無料|3-5 営業日

DERMAHEALER(ダーマヒーラー)ハンドヘルド UVB 療法用ランプ お肌のトラブルを劇的に緩和



DermaHealer(ダーマヒーラー)UVBランプ - 乾癬、白斑、湿疹の治療(ビデオ)


UVB 療法用ランプはどのような皮膚症状に効果がありますか?

UVB 療法は、以下を含むあらゆる皮膚疾患に効果があると臨床的に実証された治療法です。

  • 乾癬
  • 白斑
  • 湿疹
  • 円形脱毛症
  • 類乾癬
  • アトピー性皮膚炎

UVB 療法は、皮膚の炎症の悪影響を軽減し、見た目も気分も本来の自分に蘇ります。

臨床試験では、光線過敏症患者の 70 ~ 80% が光線療法で改善することが判明しました。

DERMAHEALER(ダーマヒーラー) UVB ランプ: 肌のトラブルを鎮静させる自然な方法





ハンドヘルド UV 光線療法治療器は、お客様の治療計画に適したソリューションを提供します。コンパクト、軽量で持ち運び可能なので、外出先でも治療できます。週に 3 ~ 5 回クリニックに通って何時間も貴重な時間を費やすこともなく、ご自宅で快適に、人目を気にすることもなく治療に専念できます。

  • Philips™ 311nm のナローバンドUV-B医療用電球
  • 適正な配光
  • 使い勝手が良い
  • 過度の照射を防ぐためデジタルタイマーを内蔵
  • 臨床試験済み
  • FDA承認済み

  • 軽量でポータブル
  • 頭皮用コームアタッチメント付属
  • 目の保護用にUVカットゴーグル付属
  • 分かりやすい取扱説明書付き
  • 60日間の返金保証
  • 送料無料
  • 2年保証

DermaHealer(ダーマヒーラー) ハンドヘルド ランプはシンプルで使い勝手が良く、読んでわかりやすい取扱説明書が付属しています。取扱説明書にはいくつかの治療計画のサンプルが掲載されておりますが、初めてご利用になる前に、お客様のお肌に適した治療計画になるよう皮膚科医にご相談することをお勧めします。



わずか 2 週間で効果がみられたことが報告されていますが、効果は個人差や症状の重症度によって異なります。


DermaHealer®光線療法用ランプは、 Philips™ オリジナルの311nm のナローバンドUV-B電球を使用しています。311nm をピーク波長とした独自のスペクトルエネルギー分布は、皮膚疾患の光線療法治療に最も効果的な数値です。

電源 220-240V 50/60Hz (欧州、英、豪 プラグ)
100-120V 50/60 Hz (米国、日本プラグ)
波長域 311 nm のナローバンドUVB(NB-UVB)
電球 シングル Philips™ UV-B-311 nm (PL-S 9W/01)
1.18 インチ (3 cm) の UVB(紫外線B波)の 強度 約 4.0 mW /㎠ .
治療エリア 2インチ x 5.5インチ (5cm x 13.5cm)
寸法 12.6インチ x 2インチ x 2.4インチ (長さ32 x 幅5 x 高さ6cm)
重量 28オンス(800g)
温度 5~45℃(41~113°F)
  • DermaHealer® UVB ランプ (Philips™ 医療用電球は予め取り付けられています)
  • UVカットゴーグル
  • 取扱説明書

Customer Reviews

Based on 117 reviews
So far so good

I have a stubborn patch of psoriasis on my forehead. Hundreds of dollars of topicals ineffective. After several treatments the area has faded significantly and the scaling has reduced by 95%. I am doing a treatment about every third or fourth day.

I also have a large patch on my scalp and don’t find it as effective on this area but for the improvement on my forehead it’s worth the purchase, as I was self conscious about this area and didn’t want to go on biologics or injectables.

Many thanks for sharing the treatment results!
Scalp psoriasis presents as a significant burden to patients due to the difficult-to-treat nature of the site.
Phototherapy is an effective option for psoriasis but is limited by a lack of efficient ways to target the scalp in the presence of hair.
The hair blocks UV light from penetrating the scalp. It works best on shaved heads.
Natural sunlight may also help if your head is shaved or hair is thin.

Delayna Trease
30 Day Review

We just completed 15 treatments this morning and we are seeing pigmentation reappear on my 9 year olds vitiligo. The product is easy to use and convenient being at home. So far, I am very happy with this product and the investment we made in it.

Watch out!

I used this following the instructions. I think my machine was faulty because it frequently had flashing lights and the frequency seemed to change. I advanced the duration over a 5 day period. This happened to one spot and I got a second degree burn. I used the same amount of time of other places and there was zero difference in the skin color. I don’t know what happened! I used the correct distance in the chart. The blister that formed is where the psoriasis spot was.

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your experience with the phototherapy lamp. I’m sorry to hear about the sunburn you experienced and appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns.

I - Phototherapy lamp is NOT damaged if the bulb flickers when it is first turned on. Flickering during startup is a common characteristic of fluorescent lamps. It is normal Warm-Up Process: during the initial ignition, the starter and ballast work to ionize the gas inside the lamp. Flickering is typical until the gas stabilizes and the lamp reaches full brightness.

II - Phototherapy is designed to deliver safe and therapeutic light exposure, but reactions can vary depending on individual skin sensitivity, exposure duration, and other factors such as skin type or pre-existing conditions. It’s possible that certain areas of your skin may have been more sensitive to the light, leading to the uneven response you described.

The varying reactions of different parts of the skin to a phototherapy lamp, even under identical time settings, can be attributed to several factors:

1. Skin Thickness and Sensitivity
Thinner Skin: Areas with thinner skin (e.g., face, neck, inner arms) are more sensitive to light and can burn more easily.
Thicker Skin: Thicker skin (e.g., palms, soles, and outer arms) is less sensitive and may require more exposure to achieve the same effect.

2. Melanin Distribution
Melanin Levels: Different parts of the body have varying levels of melanin, which affects the skin's natural protection against UV radiation. Areas with less melanin are more prone to sunburn.
Sun-Exposed Areas: Skin frequently exposed to the sun (face, hands) might already have higher melanin levels due to tanning, providing slightly more protection.

3. Pre-existing Skin Conditions
Sensitive Areas: Skin that is dry, damaged, or affected by conditions like eczema or psoriasis may react more strongly to phototherapy.
Healing Rates: Some areas of the skin may have ongoing inflammation or sensitivity due to recent healing or irritation.

5. Moisture and Products on Skin
Topical Applications: Lotions, oils, or medications on certain parts of the skin can increase sensitivity to light by acting as photosensitizers.
Dry Skin: Conversely, dry skin can burn more easily because it has less protective barrier function.

6. Natural Variability in Skin Response
Genetic Differences: The skin's reaction to UV or visible light varies due to genetic factors, which can affect different parts of the body differently.

To help prevent this from happening in the future, here are some recommendations:

Gradual Exposure: If you are new to phototherapy, consider reducing the exposure time slightly for your next session and gradually building up (based on your dermatologist's recommendations)

Protect Sensitive Areas: Cover sensitive spots (like the face or neck) or apply sunscreen as advised by your healthcare provider.

Moisturize: Applying a neutral, non-sensitizing moisturizer can help maintain the skin’s barrier and reduce sensitivity.

III. Suggested Care for Sunburned Skin area:
- Cool the Skin:
Gently apply a cool, damp cloth to soothe the affected area. Avoid using hot water, as it can further irritate the skin.

- Moisturize Frequently:
Use a fragrance-free, hydrating moisturizer or an aloe vera gel to keep the skin hydrated. This can help soothe irritation and support the skin’s natural healing process.

- Stay Hydrated:
Drink plenty of water to support your skin’s recovery and prevent dryness.

- Pause the treatment until healing process is over
Keep the affected areas out of direct sunlight and wear protective clothing if you need to go outdoors.

If you have persistent discomfort or if the redness worsens, we recommend consulting with a dermatologist for further guidance. Your safety and satisfaction are our top priorities, and we want to ensure you have the best possible experience with our product.

Please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any other questions or need further assistance. We’re here to help.

DermaHealer Handheld UVB Light

Follow the user manual, I didn't think I would get a sunburn

Weronika Sikorska

DermaHealer Handheld UVB Light Therapy Lamp