DERMAHEALER(ダーマヒーラー)コンパクト UVB 療法用ランプ
DERMAHEALER(ダーマヒーラー)コンパクト UVB 療法用ランプ
DERMAHEALER(ダーマヒーラー)コンパクト UVB 療法用ランプ
DERMAHEALER(ダーマヒーラー)コンパクト UVB 療法用ランプ
DERMAHEALER(ダーマヒーラー)コンパクト UVB 療法用ランプ
DERMAHEALER(ダーマヒーラー)コンパクト UVB 療法用ランプ

DERMAHEALER(ダーマヒーラー)コンパクト UVB 療法用ランプ


税込|送料無料|3-5 営業日

DERMAHEALER(ダーマヒーラー)ハンズフリー UVB 療法用ランプ

皮膚の痛み、かゆみ、乾燥、炎症にお悩みの方は、それを抱えながら生活することがいかに辛いことなのか実感しているのです。ずっと不快感を抱いたままで、自信も喪失。毎回支払わなければならない治療費も悩みの種。そんな方にお勧めのDERMAHEALER(ダーマヒーラー)ハンドヘルドUVB療法用ランプ。 お手頃価格で安全かつ効果的な治療を、ご自宅で簡単に施すことができます。


DermaHealer(ダーマヒーラー)UVBランプ - 乾癬、白斑、湿疹の治療(ビデオ)


UVB 療法用ランプはどのような皮膚症状に効果がありますか?

UVB 療法は、以下を含むあらゆる皮膚疾患に効果があると臨床的に実証された治療法です。

  • 乾癬
  • 白斑
  • 湿疹
  • 円形脱毛症
  • 類乾癬
  • アトピー性皮膚炎

UVB 療法は、皮膚の炎症の悪影響を軽減し、見た目も気分も本来の自分に蘇ります。

臨床試験では、光線過敏症患者の 70 ~ 80% が光線療法で改善することが判明しました。

DERMAHEALER(ダーマヒーラー) UVB卓上型ランプ:お肌のトラブルを鎮静する自然な方法




ハンドヘルド UV 光線療法治療器は、お客様の治療計画に適したソリューションを提供します。コンパクト、軽量で持ち運び可能なので、外出先でも治療できます。週に 3 ~ 5 回クリニックに通って何時間も貴重な時間を費やすこともなく、ご自宅で快適に、人目を気にすることもなく治療に専念できます。

  • Philips™ 311nm のナローバンドUV-B医療用電球
  • 適正な配光
  • 使い勝手が良い
  • 過度の照射を防ぐためデジタルタイマーを内蔵
  • 臨床試験済み
  • FDA承認済み

  • ハンズフリー、スタンド式ランプ
  • 軽量でポータブル
  • 目の保護用にUVカットゴーグル付属
  • 分かりやすい取扱説明書付き
  • 60日間の返金保証
  • 送料無料
  • 2年保証

DermaHealer(ダーマヒーラー) 卓上型UVランプはシンプルで使い勝手が良く、読んでわかりやすい取扱説明書が付属しています。取扱説明書にはいくつかの治療計画のサンプルが掲載されておりますが、初めてご利用になる前に、お客様のお肌に適した治療計画になるよう皮膚科医にご相談することをお勧めします。



わずか 2 週間で効果がみられたことが報告されていますが、効果は個人差や症状の重症度によって異なります。


DermaHealer®光線療法用ランプは、 Philips™ オリジナルの311nm のナローバンドUV-B電球を使用しています。311nm をピーク波長とした独自のスペクトルエネルギー分布は、皮膚疾患の光線療法治療に最も効果的な数値です。

電源 120V / 60 Hz (米国、日本 プラグ)
230V / 50Hz (欧州、英、豪 プラグ)
波長域 311 nm のナローバンドUVB(NB-UVB)
電球 シングル Philips™ UV-B-311 nm (PL-S 9W/01)
1インチ (2.5 cm) の UVB(紫外線B波)の 強度 約 4.0 mW /㎠
治療エリア 2インチ x 5.5インチ (5cm x 13.5cm)
寸法 9.3インチ x 3インチ x 4.7インチ (長さ230 x 幅75 x 高さ120mm)
重量 22オンス(630g)
温度 5~45℃(41~113°F)
  • DermaHealer®コンパクト UVB ランプ (Philips™ 医療用電球は予め取り付けられています)
  • UVカットゴーグル
  • LCD タイマー
  • 取扱説明書

Customer Reviews

Based on 175 reviews
Incredible Product!!!!

Controlling my psoriasis was not working until I got this light. I use some shampoo's and cream. Those items work so much better with light therapy. It stops the excess cell growth. As you can see after 1 week I am getting great results. One more week and I'm going clear! Don't scratch the dead skin off as this can make it worse in my experience. . Let the shower with shampoo naturally clean and remove the dead skin cells. If you have lots of dead skin patches. Use some cream so that the light can make it through the layers. The customer service is A+. I had some questions and got immediate response!! Thank You Thomas from Derma Healer special support!!! He rocks!!

Yet to see results

Well I read all the reviews and had a lot of hope as I purchased this for my psoriasis, which I was diagnosed with 10 years ago. I am 10 sessions in and I have yet to see a difference. In fact it seems like it's getting worse and I'm going through a horrid flare up? I'll keep persisting as the instructions do say to give it ~30 treatments. Will update this review again then.

Edit: okay, I'm back after 4 months of consistent usage and the psoriasis is much much much better. The thick lesions on my palms and my feet have calmed down. On my palm, I have FLAT areas where there isn't any flaking at all. I combined topical steroid cream (once a day, very very thin layer), an intensive moisturiser and light therapy to see results. I gotta say, in the beginning I was very skeptical but the results speak for themselves. You just have to wait it out and be consistent. Don't lose hope.

The key to success with phototherapy is consistency. To achieve optimal results, patients must commit to at least 20-40 sessions of treatment depending on the skin type and condition.

About 70-80% of patients with psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo, and other photo-responsive disorders get better with phototherapy. Some people find that phototherapy puts their skin disorder in a 'remittive' or 'quiet' state long past the end of the treatment.

All information is based on clinical data:

For customer who have not seen any positive results we offer a full refund.
Please update your review again in a month or two.
Thanks for the understanding.

Michelle Noble
Skin reactions improved

My son started suffering from systemic allergic skin reactions, I believe to all nightshade vegetables. This includes tomatoes, potatoes and peppers...even "spices" and potato starch in foods. Topical steroids did nothing. I needed a solution to calm his immune system of his skin down. I believe this allergic reaction is temporary. We stayed off all nightshades and prepared foods very strictly...but there were too many "fillers" in foods. I needed something else. I thought the principles of the light could be applied to him. We have finished 3 weeks and it has been a great journey. I hope after another 3 weeks we can try reintroducing some foods again. The light has improved his skin about 60% already.

Bad Customer Service

This review does not pertain to the product but rather focuses on the company's actions. Following my purchase, my doctor recommended a different treatment for my condition, prompting me to return the product unopened. Upon contacting the company, I was informed that I needed to cover the cost of the return label and provide the return address. I proceeded to send back the parcel, initiated a return on Klarna, and provided the tracking number for verification.
A month later, Klarna reached out to inquire about the refund status, as I had not yet received it, despite evidence from the tracking information confirming delivery of the parcel. Upon contacting the company regarding the delay, I received a curt response:


the reason your refund was not processed on time was that you did not
follow the instructions provided in our email.
We have NOT received the tracking number from you as requested in the
return instructions (see PDF attached).

Then instead of contacting us you have filed a chargeback with Klarna.
Now you have to wait until Klarna process your refund.
We have returned your payment to Klarna.


I am taken aback by the company's requirement for a tracking number in order to issue a refund. In the United Kingdom, online businesses are mandated to comply with the Consumer Rights Act 2015, which entitles consumers to specific rights when making purchases online. According to this act, companies are obligated to refund customers promptly and without unreasonable delay upon receiving the returned item. Requesting a tracking number should not be a prerequisite for issuing a refund.

Thanks for your feedback. Our return policy is simple and straightforward. We ask for return tracking number to speed up the refund process. All returns are processed by our logistics partner and ensuring that each return is linked to a particular tracking number allows us to manage refunds more efficiently (in 1-2 days). Customers can return items to us within 60 days of purchase for a refund. We do not charge any restocking fees. We received a charge-back from Klarna without any prior communication or inquiry about the return status.

Michael Borost
Dermahealer Compact UVB Light Therapy Lamp

My psoriasis is fairly extensive and I don't wish to take medication. I'm using this lamp to solely treat my hands and elbows. So far, there has been a significant
improvement! If you're looking to treat your hands, I highly recommend it.